After the straightforward Kaadhal and also the memorable Kallori, director Balaji Sakthivel is prepared along with his next venture Vazhakku Enn 18/9. Balaji Sakthivel is noted not just for his realistic form of film creating, however additionally for his observation skills and talent to remodel these observations into a neat celluloid version that draws viewers. Vazhakku Enn 18/9 is an out-and-out love story.
According to the director, the film deals with how the concept of affection has modified these days, starting with the so-called 'boyfriend-girlfriend' culture. The film is created by Lingusamy, which is able to have newcomers within the lead roles. curiously, cinematographer Vijay Milton is introducing a brand new model still camera during this film.
Knowing what Balaji Sakthivel is capable of, we have a tendency to eagerly anticipate this film!
vazhakku enn 18/9